Celebrating CREATION
Miracles of Majesty
Do You Look to Thank
Your Creator Daily?
We convey the infinite complexities of divine design,
omnipotent and universal in nature, sharing our abiding
appreciation and eternal reverence for our Designer!
Celebrating CREATION is a natural extension of life in Paradise, living each and every day with purposeful Aloha and purpose-filled Mahalo. Regardless of where you live around the world, we would love to hear from you. And, if you are visiting The Garden Island of Kauai, we would love to meet up with you. Let us all celebrate creation together.
Walking and talking along the five-mile oceanfront bike path in Kapaa is our go-to venture... and adventure. As we stand in complete awe of the infinite vastness of creation, we count our blessings daily, as numerous as the sandy grains by day and the starry skies by night.

The Mystery of History